Sunday, February 28, 2016

Lacrima, Lacrimosa (fear of tears)

The fear of tears
Is hard as a stone
Almost impossible, 
To tear the fear apart…

Time and again beginnings and ends 
Will meet and collide  
Tear down and build up,
Time and again.

Laughter and sorrow
Elation or love,
Pleasure or awe… somewhere among,
Linking together the powers of dawn

Fear the tears,
Denying the ends,
Or, let tears well up -
Abolish control…

Is the well almost empty?
Or the well has a hole…
Was the sun much too bitter?
Throughout a voyage so long…

Something might be missing,
Some things could be found.
Sometimes in the spaces,
Some place in time…



Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Haiku Elegante (Dance)

Mad dust in a gleam.
Sing my heart. Dance! No music…
The floor is now gone.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Of Healers, Witches And Warlocks (Burn)

One pair of eyes… yours.
Two pairs of eyes, three..
Fourth pair of eyes...  Screams!
Yellow, red, orange... Flames!

Bonfires, people and mud, screams...
I can’t see… I go deep.
I walk with a cane slowly. Now I see...
I’m there, Now I feel...

It’s a dark, cloudy, short day.
I hear a bell tolling…
“Tintinnabulum”, a boy shouts,
I don’t comprehend…

I turn to my right,
I understand...

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live",
The Dark one is screaming.
Three pyres, three wild bonfires,
Three miracles defeaters - light up three times by three.

One woman is screaming,
Her eyes are shut.
One woman is praying,
She is looking upward.

One woman, the closest,
She's looking at me…
Her face convulsing,
Her eyes are in pain.
Now she is smiling, she’s smiling at me…

Yellow, orange, and blue – Flames!
Fourth pair of eyes – Screams!
Third pairs of eyes, two…
One pair of eyes… you.

I sit in the chair.
You are there with me.
You look into my eyes.
I look into thy.

The room has returned,
The heat is still there.
Now the alarm’s on, and…
This is the end.

You smile, 
And I smile.
And we say
our goodbyes…

The faint odor of fires,
Disperse on the street.
I sip that dark coffee
Another cycle - complete.