Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Quantum Paradigm

The only earthly guarantee
that comes upon us only once
and at the end of our path
into the clearing;

The only purpose of it all
is (seemingly) that
someone else’s beginning
is in exchange for someone’s end.

And not anything is ever personal
for the ones in the beginning,
not the ones into the end,
nor for the longest ever line itself.

No sure life
after this one,
no sure re-birth,
nor even sure is the oblivion...

It takes a monster
to out-beast another;
and only saints could pray
and have compassion for the both of them.

It doesn't matter who is wrong
or who is right.
One flash of light
will always follow an everlasting dark.

All comes to and end
in the beginning.
It all was done

before all even had commenced.

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