The reality of the universe
and of the world...
Was it the force that drove the man
to be creative and to invent the heavens and the earth?
In form of multiple realities –
the mountains and the oceans,
rivers, grass, the trees, the languages and music,
civilization, God?
And then, conceived by man,
these same analogies –
are now the building blocks
of matter that we all collectively perceive as “real”?
But into this reality,
is it the quality that’s resting uncomfortably
under the pyramid of such subjective
blocks of stone - the romantic and an intellectual
of the world of views to cover up the truth from us?
How one could possibly perceive, and then explain
the quality in such dualistically challenged reality
where knowledge is derived from an object's only aspect
or merely from underlying substance?
Is it the choice of quality that’s based
on our a priori analogies
that is defining on reality that we all,
collectively, and intimately know today?
Could it be that quality
is but another one, distinct reality
existing and uniting
the objective and the subjective realms?
Is there a way the contemporary man
could possibly unite and benefit from
an amalgamated, dualistic view of such reality –
both a subjective and an objective point of view?
And to accept the realm
of quality as a parental
to both the classic and
to the romantic realms?
By re-arranging the metaphysical hierarchy
and by allowing quality
to intermingle and to coexist with time
one then could define two sides of one, dynamic quality.
And so, the pre-intellectual reality that is the
romantic quality,
evolves from the emotional, romantic realm
and the intellectual reality – the classic quality,
evolves from the mental and the subjective realm.
Where quality pre-dates reality,
created it and it is part of it.
It is It. It has been always there.
Thus simply everything and all is always one.
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