Tuesday, April 23, 2013

This Isn’t My True God

The hell’s not the end, nor is it the beginning.
The hell is now and all around.
The hell tastes good and looks so pretty…
The hell is singing songs, the words feel true.

The mighty God has been created in
The beginning of the time. Into the holy of
The temporal lob of His creator -
The man who sinned and who was fearful to die.

It was the sin that gave birth to the Holy Father.
It was the wrongdoings of His holy son.
It was the wickedness of the Holy Spirit.
It was after all the cowardness of man.

The man created the Almighty,
In his likeness – to be his own immortal God.
He made Him jealous and all seeing,
All powerful to judge and punish sins of man.

And after God was so created, he grew in power over time.
He punished with a mighty zest.
With time God then become Himself creative –
And broke the chains to reprimand all human sins.

And then created all His angels,
To do His job instead of Him.
Directed them to do His business,
So He can rest His crushing thumb.

The God was no longer perfect, nor almighty, nor divine,
As He created something beautiful but ultimately so exceptionally wrong.
The angels grew their own creative powers,
Then turned jealous of man and of God Himself.

The Angels broke their chains of being perfect,
And seized to talk to man on God’s behalf.
And then God decided in His Holy wisdom,
To punish these grey rolling stones to fall from heaven on the earth.
The guilty angels Lord re-named to Demons,
Creatures of the dark.
He did not kill them, nor destroyed them,
His own children - He made in his acumen to be His own right hand.

In His dexterity divine, perhaps of luck of judgment,
He sent them dwell in the infernal underworld.
God didn’t chain them there however.
He let them dwell the world of man as well.

Then He did sent His only son to earth to bring new resolution.
But His son “did not come to bring peace, but sword” to man.
He came to “turn a man against his father”
As He was rebellious against His Father too.

God got eternally and truly angry,
To man, to His son and to the angels too.
He punished all of them to tempt eternally each other, 
As He eternally is upset with man - for the punishment eternally to be his God.

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