Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Price Of Happiness

Is the price we all have to pay
for our happiness so high,
so less and less of us
can barely afford it?

Did it become a privilege
to be a member
of the exotic and prestigious
happy club?

Is there a back door
you could enter
in their building?
Is there a secret knock?

Is there another way
to get in to their meeting place? 
Somehow be one of them -
the ones who are happy and content?

The price, they say,
one pays (of course)
is money
but money isn't merely enough.

One must also learn
and dedicate long years
to study all about
the misery that there is on earth.

And once one passes
all examinations,
and pays the monetary tool,
one is finally allowed  into the club of the happy ones.

The tall door is then slowly opened.
There comes a light and happy laughs.
A flash of glory and one step further…
to exit on the other site and on the same boulevard.

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