Monday, March 18, 2013

The Circle Of Life And Of Death

(Life And Death In Antarctica)

The mad winds vivacious  
are moving
the mountains of 
robust, sharp violet snow.

It is the winter’s reign
that mightily bellows
with ruthless,
savage, dreadful zest.

The sounds of hell
discordant, paltry –  
the chorus old
of long gone gods.

The lone public devoted
of the demented, dark, blues
is an Emperor’s penguins
dark, dancing, little crowd.

For the outside spectator
macabre is this.
Idolatry are the dancers,
and pagan’s the dance.   

In the core
of the rhythmic, slow movement 
the smallest
of their own  
goes around and around.

Enveloped by their dancing mothers,
encircled by protective, dancing dads,
The dance has much greater purpose –
keep the heat! Preserve frugal life!  

There’s another 
intrinsic of reasons
for the unstopping, 
so gracious dance…

Outcasting the sick and
the old ones!
So the outermost circle’s not moving - 
fading slowly in violent, brisk snow.

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