Friday, January 14, 2022

Fighting Monsters (all day long)

 **Fighting Monsters 

-An meinen Vater Friedrich mit Dank-

When an abyss gazes long into you, 

You gaze also into the abyss.

And no poem can describe it,

Nor song can sing it out.

And, no vison can envision, 

No sane thought can here survive.

No feeling can be born in here, 

No feeling dies in the abys. 

And when you fight the monsters, 

The monsters feast on your brain.

You are the story at the moment

The moment ends inside of you.

The only way to leave the stage is –

Torch it, leap,’re in. And out 

– outside the abyss. 

As it is you, and you are the abyss. 

You, the monsters, and the fight

In all time, all dimensions - omnipresent 

Here, There, Nonexistent even so. 

It’s every story. And the story of them all.

It's a story never spoken.

It was, it is…

It’s always what will ever be.