Monday, October 21, 2013


How much 
of a destructive power 
is too much for the soul
to bare on?

Is there a dark, so dark, 
out there - that's being able 
to consume all light... 
the entire light?

How many 
vicious repetitions
will finally destroy the good...
all the good?

Could evil 
be so arch-evil 
to be inherited from
by the young and from the old?

How many generations 
are there needed 
to destroy 
this diamond hard? 

And how such curse 
could be un-cursed 
and evil such
could be undone...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Grand Design - An Understanding Attempt

Decoding heaven, hell…
Balancing, on one hand,
One’s perfect design,
and evolution on the other.

The master key, the Master’s lock –
No lock, no key, not even a door?

Pursuing perfection
seams as impossible as a chimera.
The immortality –
to conquer time…

As impossible is the perfection,
at least as of today,
is it an improbable Creator’s plan
as well imperfect after all?

A perfect Architect – Designer,
would He be an author 
of middling structure
that is in disrespect of logic, beauty and of rational?  

The mere existence
of continuous desire for perfection
defies the purpose of a perfect plan

(as of today) for such an imperfect realm.